The clinical manifestations of leptospirosis range from a mild catarrh-like illness to icteric disease with severe liver and kidney involvement. Natural reservoirs for leptospirosis include rodents as well as a large variety of domesticated mammals. The organisms occupy the lumen of nephritic tubules in their natural host and are shed into the urine. Human infection derives from direct exposure to infected animals (veterinarians, abattoir workers, or dairy workers for example) or by exposure to environments contaminated by animal carriers (e.g. agricultural workers). Bathing or swimming in water sources about which livestock have been pastured has been demonstrated to be a potential infection hazard. The organisms enter the host through skin abrasions, mucosal surfaces or the eye. The incubation period can range from 3 to 30 days but is usually found to be 10 to 12 days. Antibodies can become detectable by the 6th to 10th day of disease and generally reach peak levels within 3 to 4 weeks. Antibody levels then gradually recede but may remain detectable for years.
Epidemiologic factors, clinical findings, exposure in endemic regions and other laboratory results should be considered in diagnosing acute disease. Acute disease diagnosis will also include a positive laboratory confirmation in many cases. This test is designed to measure acute infections with Leptospira. Confirmation of a positive sample by additional methods should be followed.
Leptospira IgM